During farm visits, Kalgudi team met Mango farmer Mr Uday Kumar from Manhalli, Bidar, Karnataka. While conversing, Uday Kumar mentioned that his orchard Benishan, Mallika, Dasheri mango varieties and getting INR 42.00 - 45.00 per kilogram farm gate price for raw mangoes in the local market that includes additional transportation expenses to the local market.
Kalgudi team explained Mr Uday Kumar about Kalgudi and B2B and B2C marketing channels available to market his mangoes. Kalgudi team suggested him to go with retail marketing model available in Kalgudi. After explaining steps involved like how orders are notified, pricing, packing, delivery charges and payments, Mr Uday Kumar agreed to sell a portion of mangoes by listing them in Kalgudi.
Kalgudi team registered Mr Uday Kumar in Kalgudi and helped him in listing his produce (mangoes) in Kalgudi consumer store mentioning about the carbide free, natural ripening process used. These mango listings are promoted in digital platforms and resulting in bulk order. Kalgudi business team negotiated the price with Mr Uday Kumar at INR 70.00 per kg. Mangoes are packed and delivered.
In the entire process, Mr Uday Kumar got a benefit of INR 10.00 per Kg. This boosted his confidence in selling his mangoes to end customers in a seamless fashion wherein he is just doing what he is capable off while the rest is handled by service providers on Kalgudi for a fee in a collaborative commerce model. End customers were happy that they got carbide free ripened mangoes delivered to their doorsteps.
The end customers got the mangoes at Rs.82.00 /Kg and the market price for a similar type of fruits was @ 120/kg.( please incorporate the same)
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